The NGO "Gesture of Support" handed over another car to the military to carry out combat missions

border line

Volunteers of the "Gesture of Help" NGO took an important step in supporting the Ukrainian defenders by handing over a freshly driven Nissan crossover to the Third Separate Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This vehicle will be a vital asset to the military in combat missions, providing mobility and protection on the front lines.

Vehicles are vital to the military in combat missions, providing mobility, agility and protection during military operations. On the front lines, they are not only a means of transportation, but also a key element in the successful completion of tasks, reducing response time and increasing the effectiveness of actions of our military contingent.

In addition to the car, the military received special camouflage nets that will help hide their equipment from enemy drones and observers.

The package also included food kits that will provide additional support for the military in difficult frontline conditions.

Such initiatives demonstrate the continued support and assistance from the public in providing our military with everything they need to successfully complete their mission.

The "Gesture of Support" NGO continues to provide assistance to Ukrainian defenders and calls on everyone who wishes to join this noble cause, because together we will be able to drive the Russian invader from our land.