Master classes for people with disabilities

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Workshops on making wooden products for people with disabilities were held in Volyn. This event became an important part of our program of support and inclusion aimed at improving the quality of life of people with disabilities.

The event took place on the territory of the recreation complex "Yednist", specially adapted for comfortable recreation of people with disabilities.

More than 40 people with disabilities took part in the event. These were not only creative activities, but also an important step towards social integration and psychological comfort of the participants.

The main advantages of the event:

Development of motor skills: Master classes helped to develop fine motor skills, which is of great importance for improving the functionality of hands and fingers. Positive impact on the psycho-emotional state: The creative process brought joy and reduced stress, which contributed to the general improvement of mood and psychological comfort of the participants. Social integration: Event became a great opportunity for communication and interaction between participants, which helps to reduce social isolation and strengthen new social ties. Sense of achievement: Participants enjoyed creating their own products, which gave them a sense of pride and motivation.

"We are very glad that we were able to organize this event on the basis of the "Yednist" complex, which provides unique conditions for recreation and creativity of people with disabilities. Such events are of great importance for our community," said Yaroslav Kotylko, head of the "Gesture of support" NGO. 

The public organization "Gesture of support" continues its activities aimed at the support and inclusion of people with disabilities, and invites everyone to join our projects and initiatives.