The NGO "Gesture Of Support" held a seminar for people with physical disabilities with elements of the training "I am in the whole world and the whole world is in me"
The purpose of the event: to harmonize the inner world of the participants; to develop positive thinking; to form a positive perception of reality, adequate self-esteem, decision-making skills; to help relieve psycho-emotional stress.
"God molded man from clay and left him an unused piece. "What else could I make?" - God asked. "Make me happiness," the man asked.
God did not answer, but put a piece of clay in the man's hand."
- Can a person be happy?
- On what and on whom does our happiness depend?
- Do we know how to think, tuning in only to the positive? These and other questions will be answered in our class.
There are many claims that thoughts cause certain psychological and physiological changes in a person. For example, negative thoughts are depressing, and when you think about failure, you can really fail. But it all depends on us. And also on our thoughts and feelings.
Sometimes, in order to have a certain view of the world and the reality around us, you first need to understand yourself: who am I? Who are you? Who are we?
It should be borne in mind that a person has innate and acquired characteristics.
Innate: physique, blood type, eye color, DNA code, brain structure, temperament...
Acquired: character, abilities, habits, knowledge, motivation...
- What factors influence the development of personality and the perception of oneself as a person:
1. Family
2. Environment
3. Education
4. Ecology
5. Place of residence
6. Cultural heritage
7. Sphere of life activity
8. .....
It shapes us. We can often come to the realization that we are not who we really are. It is important to examine and analyze ourselves: Who am I? Where do I come from? What am I living for? What awaits me after this life? Different people, regardless of their views, religious beliefs, and upbringing, are concerned with these questions to varying degrees. When I know who I am, I will be able to understand my role.
By asking such questions and analyzing ourselves, we can more fully realize who we are and what we are. The way we perceive ourselves will determine how we perceive the world and our surroundings. Each of us is unique and inimitable. We are all born to succeed, the human body is programmed to do so. The most important thing is to perceive yourself positively.
We cannot divide a person into separate components: the body is separate from emotions, emotions are separate from society... everything is interconnected, and a disturbance in one area causes greater or lesser changes in others. Therefore, by thinking, perceiving and expressing oneself positively, a person receives more joy, satisfaction, focus and feels more important.
У дослідженнях сучасних психологів Аарона Бека, Альберта Елліса, Наполеона Хілла та ін. здійснюється пошук шляхів формування павичок мислення, які б допомагали сучасній людині бути здоровою, успішною та щасливою».
Учені виокремлюють саногенне та патогенне мислення, яке негативно впливає на сприйняття людиною світу та на стан здоров’я. Людині для того щоб відчувати себе щасливою, необхідно формувати саногенне мислення, спрямоване на формування стійкого здоров’я, створення успішної творчої діяльності, відчуття душевного комфорту.
positive thinking is characterized by the fact that a person consciously controls his or her thoughts and does not allow negative thoughts and emotions to take root. You should always try to remain optimistic. Positive thinking contributes to positive self-esteem and is to some extent a habit. If you are unable to change external circumstances, try to change your attitude towards them.
Learn to be attentive to your joys, love them, and cultivate them like a careful gardener. The more joys you have, the more you will be able to give them to others, and not by making them poorer, but rather by making them richer. And for a person who knows how to give joy, the path to success is always much shorter.
The conclusion is simple: without harmonization of mental and emotional states, there can be no physical health.