Congratulations on the International Volunteer Appreciation Day

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Today, on International Volunteer Appreciation Day, we want to express our sincere thanks to each of you for your extraordinary work and limitless contribution to the development of our community. Your help and dedication give us strength and hope, and your willingness to help selflessly warms our hearts.

Volunteers of the public organization "Gesture of Support" embody humanitarian values not just in words, but in deeds, helping our soldiers and those who are going through difficult times. You deliver food, personal hygiene products, equipment, repair equipment, prepare hot lunches. In addition, you help people with disabilities by providing them with the necessary food kits, hygiene products, medicines, organizing vacations and training courses. Your work is an example of generosity and humanity that inspires us all.

We appreciate your dedicated work and want to emphasize that without your support, much of what we do would not be possible. You are real heroes who make our world better and kinder.

May your good deed always be blessed, and you know that your work is not in vain, and that it will bear fruit in good deeds. With respect and gratitude to each of you,

Yaroslav Kotylko, head of the Public Organization "Gesture of Support"